You Can Do Various Techniques with Brass Knuckles!


If you’re not familiar with what brass knuckles are, they are a set of two or more finger rings that can be worn around the fingers. The most common type of knuckle duster is made from metal, as this is the most durable material for physical use. For common defense purposes, these rings allow for a more powerful punch to be delivered. 

These knuckles can also be used in self-defense or fighting situations where a higher level of force is necessary and there is no other weapon available to use. Knuckles have been around since the late 1800s and became popular during Prohibition as well as during WWI when servicemen had little access to weapons while overseas and needed a way to defend themselves.

Techniques to Use for Self Defense

In order for knuckles to be effective and not more dangerous than they are useful, you should know how to use them correctly. So here’s a rundown on using knuckle dusters for self-defense:

  • Punching Techniques (Slap Punch)

  • Punching Techniques (Straight Punch)

  • The One-Handed Strike (A variation on the Straight Punch)

  1. Punching Techniques (Slap Punch)

This is the most common technique for using brass knuckles. It’s very effective and easy to learn, but remember that there are always more complicated punching techniques out there. If you have time to learn them, by all means, go for it. But in terms of a quick, simple self-defense technique that works, this one can’t be beaten.

The Slap punch is made up of two main parts: first, the hand must be held with the fingers pointing downwards towards the ground; second, the hand must be quickly brought upwards (with a rolling movement if possible). The main trick to this self-defense technique quickly brings the hand upwards and then sharply slap the knuckles with your palm.

  1. Punching Technique (Straight Punch)

Also known as the “Straight Jab”, the straight punch is a simple and effective punching technique. The most important part of this technique is to practice it enough so that you can hit with the exact same amount of power every single time.

If you can master this technique, you’ll be able to deliver an amazing punch with very little effort. It’s based on leading with your stronger hand and then quickly bringing up your other arm to add extra power to your strike. When delivering a straight punch, bend your knees slightly so that they don’t lock up or cave in when you make contact with your opponent.

  1. The One-Handed Strike

This is a little more difficult than the first two techniques but works amazingly well. The main difference between the punch and this brass knuckle strike is that instead of raising your arm up for extra power, you’ll be bringing it down behind you.

By doing this, you decrease the amount of force needed to deliver a powerful punch each time. It’s a little trickier to master than the basic Slap Punch, but if you can manage to do this one, you’re well on your way to being an effective self-defense fighter.

Effectiveness for Self-Defense!

Many people think that brass knuckles are not effective self-defense weapons. This is something that cannot be said about a good number of self-defense weapons. These knuckles are easily concealed and can often be used to take down the enemy quickly with minimal risk to the user. 

In fact, these knuckles were mainly designed for self-defense and were widely used for that purpose for the longest time. They are easy to conceal so that makes them easy to carry around if you happen to live in a jurisdiction where weapons are not allowed. There are a lot of reasons why they are some of the best weapons for self-defense, here are some of them:

They can help you take down an enemy quickly. A strike with knuckles will do more damage than a bare hand or even a fist because these weapons have spikes on them. The spikes dig into the skin when you strike the enemy and cause deep cuts that may lead to muscle or bone damage.


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