Top 3 Wholesale Self-defense Keychains:

 A self-defense keychain is designed to be attached to your keys and used as a device in the event of an emergency. It is often shaped like a tiny stun gun or pepper spray canister, but other models are available that look like sharp knives or long batons. 

A nonlethal weapon for use when your safety may be at risk, this wholesale self-defense keychain may come in handy when you feel threatened by someone following you home from the store, walking late at night, or worse. These devices range in effectiveness, with some using LED lights as well as electric shocks and sounds to disorient an assailant while others cause pain through blunt force blows.

Types of Self-defense Keychain:

Self-defense keychains are small, lightweight pieces of metal with a sharp point on one end, which can be hooked and jerked off from. They are used for self-defense by swinging them towards the attacker's face in order to inflict as much damage as possible. 

There are many different types of keychains available and each has its own advantages and disadvantages depending on the situation. In this article, we will cover what types of wholesale keychains there are and how they can be used effectively to defend yourself.

1. Pepper Spray Keychain: 

The pepper spray keychain is by far the most common type of keychain defense mechanism in use today. If you are planning on purchasing a key chain, there is no reason not to get a self-defense one with pepper spray already attached. This type of device sprays out a small amount of pepper spray towards the attacker's eyes. 

The spray is incredibly painful and will cause an immediate reaction. The person will be blinded and will likely be in pain for several minutes. Though the effect of the spray is temporary, it can give you enough time to escape or attack again if necessary.

2. Stun Gun Keychain: 

The stun gun keychain is a new technology that uses electricity to create pain. Some stun guns will also have a high-voltage taser that can shock the attacker with enough volts to cause intense pain and muscle contractions which could render him/her immobile for several minutes. 

When it comes down to it, these are more powerful and effective than pepper spray key chains, but there are some downsides that should be considered as well. You must be within arms-length range of your attacker in order to use these effectively and they also require two hands.

3. Brass Knuckle Keychain: 

This brass knuckle wholesale self-defense keychain is a small, metal weapon that can fit in one hand and requires no special training to use effectively. When using this weapon, your hand goes inside the device and makes a fist, which you then punch with using your other hand. 

Brass knuckles are an incredibly effective weapon as they pack a very powerful punch when used correctly. These should be used carefully though because if you miss your target, there is nothing to stop any pain from being transferred to you.

The Popularity of Self-defense Keychain!

The popularity of a wholesale self-defense keychain is steadily rising, especially among women. Keychains are one of the most popular and trendy self-defense items on the market. Self-defense keychains can be thrown at an attacker, and their sharp points can cause injuries. However, there is also a disadvantage to this: If your keychain falls in the water or is dirty, it will not work. 

Many women think that keychains are very dangerous and they would not want to use them for self-defense. Most women think self-defense products, such as pepper spray and stun guns, are too dangerous to use instead of a keychain. In addition, many people do not know how to use these products properly. Keychains are a good alternative for people who don't like to carry dangerous items. 

Just carry it with you at all times and if you ever need it, just use it right away. A self-defense keychain is easy to use, but sometimes is difficult to find the correct position to attack since they don't have a sharp point. Some Keychains are built with just one or two points, some even have three or four sharp points that can cause some serious damage to your attacker like stab wounds, scratches, and maybe even a black eye.


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