How Many Variants of Brass Knuckles are There in The Market?
Brass knuckles also called knuckle dusters or knucks, are weapons used in close-quarter combat. These knuckles consist of a series of metal bars that fit over the top of the fingers and have a hand grip in the palm area. The metal bars are usually made of brass, but can also be made of other metals such as aluminum or steel.
The hand grip is usually padded with leather or some other soft material to help absorb impact and make these knuckles more comfortable to wear. While knuckle dusters are commonly associated with street gangs and violence, they can actually be used for self-defense as well.
In some states, it is legal to carry these knuckles for self-defense purposes. So, what do you need to know about knuckle dusters? Read on for everything from history to how to use them for self-defense.
Variants of Knuckle Dusters
There are many types of brass knuckles on the market. Some are designed for self-defense, while others are made for use as a weapon in street fights or brawling. Here is a look at some of the most popular types of knuckle dusters:
1. Standard Knuckles
These are the most common type of knuckles. They typically have a solid metal construction with no moving parts. They Slip over the fingers and fit snugly around the hand to provide a tight grip.
2. Spring-loaded Knuckles
These brass knuckles have a spring-loaded mechanism that opens up the fingers when not in use. This allows for easier carrying and prevents accidental injury to the user.
3. Knuckle Dusters
Knuckle dusters are more of a weapon than a self-defense tool. They usually have spikes or other sharp protrusions that can cause serious injury to an opponent.
4. Brass Knuckle Keys
These types of knuckles double as a keychain so you can keep them close at hand when needed. They often have bottle openers or other useful features built into them as well.
5. Fingerless Knuckles
As the name suggests, these knuckles do not have any metal extending over the fingers. This leaves the fingers free to grab or hold onto an opponent while still delivering a powerful punch.
6. Spiked Knuckles
These knuckles feature spikes or other sharp protrusions extending out from the metal band. This can make them more dangerous than standard brass knuckles as they can cause serious puncture wounds when used in a fight.
Reasons to Carry Brass Knuckles!
These knuckles can be used in a number of ways, depending on the situation. They can be used to punch an attacker, which can cause serious injury. They can also be used to jab an attacker in the eyes or throat. Additionally, they can be used to block attacks or strikes from an assailant.
When using knuckle dusters, it is vital to aim for vulnerable areas such as the nose, eyes, throat, solar plexus, groin, or knees. These areas are more likely to cause serious injury than other parts of the body. It is also important to remember that these knuckles are a weapon and should only be used in self-defense situations.
Knuckle Dusters are often used as weapons. They can be used to punch, jab, or hit an opponent. Brass knuckles can also be used to deliver a knockout blow in a fight. In addition to being used as weapons, these knuckles can also be used as tools. They can be used to open bottles, pry open doors, or break windows.
These knuckles can also be used to crush cans. Some people collect knuckles as novelty items. Others wear them as fashion accessories. These tools can also be used as paperweights or doorstops.
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